Remarkable Literary Portraits
In the past ten years, Sim Fine Art has established a reputation for making notable discoveries across a range of periods and styles. The past few years have been a particularly fertile period, with the discovery of important pictures resulting in sales to major international institutions such as the Tate, the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the National Portrait Gallery among scores of other museums and private collections. The rich seam continues, with the recent revelation of a new and previously unknown portrait of Hartley Coleridge. The drawing will be exhibited for the first time in Shepherd Market, together with other notable literary discoveries spanning two centuries.
Andrew Keanie writes 'It is a mystery where John Harden’s drawing of Hartley has been all these years. But it is liberating to have it on view now. It shows neither a lost boy nor a lost man-child, but instead a rather handsome and distinguished young man who, crucially, has also something contemplative and captivating about him. Almost two centuries after the supposedly defining Oriel College disaster, we now have a new visual image of the breathing and blooming man in his prime, at ease in the company of a good friend, and setting himself up as a Poet. It is a likeness that could send readers back to his work re-sensitized.'
The drawing is on show from 6th - 17th February 2018 at Sims Fine Art, The Gallery, 54 Shepherd Market, London W1J 7QX