'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner'
Instead of the Cross, The Albatross About My Neck Was Hung
14th–16th December, Burdall’s Yard, 7A Anglo Terrace, Avon, Bath BA1 5NH
Produced by OnSet Productions, Associate Producer Matthew Emeny, Directed by John Ward.
A dark and thrilling re-telling of Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s famous Rime of The Ancient Mariner. A timeless epic revamped by a modern ensemble; fusing poetry, music and movement.
14th 7:30pm, 15th 2pm and 7:30pm, 16th 1pm, 4pm and 7:30pm
Box office:
Tickets: Full Price £8, Conc £6, BSU Student, £4
Running time 1 hour