Biographies of Coleridge in the West Country
Coleridge and Wordsworth in Somerset
Berta Lawrence, David & Charles 1970
Coleridge: Early Visions
Richard Holmes, Hodder 1989
Coleridge and Wordsworth in the West Country
Tom Mayberry, Alan Sutton 1992
Samuel Taylor Coleridge: The West Country Years
Reggie Watters, Friends of Coleridge 2011
The Bondage of Love: A Life of Mrs Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Molly Lefebure, Gollancz 1986
General biographies of Coleridge
The Life of Samuel Taylor Coleridge: A Critical Biography
Rosemary Ashton, Blackwell 1996
Coleridge: Darker Reflections [after the West Country years]
Richard Holmes, Harper Collins 1998
Samuel Taylor Coleridge: A Bondage of Opium
Molly Lefebure, Quartet 1977
Writers' Lives: Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Seamus Perry, The British Library 2003
Critical studies
F J A Hort, 1856. An essay on Coleridge's philosophy. Read online at
On Bentham and Coleridge
John Stuart Mill, 1838. With an introduction by F R Leavis, Cambridge University Press, paperback
The Road to Xanadu
John Livingston Lowes, 1927. Demonstrates, among other things, the breadth of Coleridge's reading, and his astonishing power of synthesizing what he read
Coleridge the Visionary (1959)
John Beer, 1959. Examines both the intellectual organization of Coleridge's poetry and the imaginative qualities implicit in his philosophy.