Literary Societies


Blake Society
Broad based society commemorating William Blake with events, lectures and an annual Blake Journal.

John Clare Society
With e-texts, articles, and events.

William Gilbert
A site dedicated to the author of The Hurricane (1796), who was associated with Coleridge in Bristol. Poet, theosophist, astrologer and magus. Includes e-texts of The Hurricane and Gilbert's rarer writings, and online articles.

The Hazlitt Society
The resurgence of interest in Hazlitt has led to the formation of the Hazlitt Society. The Society publishes the Hazlitt Review annually.
The Keats-Shelley Memorial Association. Apart from maintaining the Keats-Shelley Memorial House, the Association is responsible for the upkeep of the graves of Keats and Shelley in the non-Catholic Cemetery at Testaccio.

Charles Lamb Society
Coleridge and Lamb were firm friends in life and the enduring link between them is reflected in the number of people who have membership of both associations. Members receive the quarterly Charles Lamb Bulletin.

Wordsworth Trust
The Wordsworth Trust celebrates the works of the poet William Wordsworth and his contemporaries. Coleridge's long-term friendship with Wordsworth was sealed in the revolutionary 1790s when 'to be young was very heaven'. Their time together in the Quantock Hills was a period of intense creativity, and helped change the face of English poetry.

Latest News

Event with Prof. Tim Fulford at the Thomas Poole Library, Nether Stowey, 13 July - Tom Poole and Tom Wedgwood, in the Quantocks and the Alps

Event with Prof. Tim Fulford at the Thomas Poole Library, Nether Stowey, 13 July - Tom Poole and Tom Wedgwood, in the Quantocks and the Alps