STC: Initials as Structure
‘The Pixies’ Parlour still exists on a low, sandstone ridge, now some fifty yards from the eastern bank of the River Otter. In 1986 I crawled in and was astonished to discover the initials STC carved at the very back of the cave. It took me a moment to realise that the sandstone walls are so porous and flaky that these could not possibly be Coleridge’s original graffiti, but some later act of piety. Such carvings and re-carvings of his initials, ceremoniously repeated by generation after generation of unknown memorialists, suddenly seemed to me like a symbol of the essentially cumulative process of biography itself.’
Richard Holmes
S & library all in
Terwoven with arbitrary arti
Culated initials a
Symbolical language for deep melancholy consuming ini
Tials at once opposite and
Correspondent within me: beauteous
Spectra of
Two initials orange and violet
Circumstances when peculiar initial differences another’s
Shadow’s object false-colours its de
Tached initials his innumerable
Transplanted the mere
Carcase of: an electrical multiplicity of rays and far-
Stretched ini
Tials as a
Co-exisiting echo you had not
Suspected I am so swallowed up in a
Thousand thousand palimpsest initials of fantasti
C analogue & initial
Similitude: Giant Pyramid ini
Tials Gothi
C Alps and Andes of a world destroyed in a gusty inter
Spersed wilderness howling with emp
Tied gnawing initials leagued in
Conspiracy against me: half-embodying initial
S half images within but harmonious phan
Tom initials fits hints & flashes of refle
Cted light & vast initial
S of
Terra In
Cognita known & anticipated only as an Under-
Song by sub
Tler suppressed initials unified by natural
Contingency: kalligraphic ritual trial initials him
Self as a labyrinth of sweet initials with hillsides I begin to
Think that nothing on earth but it
Could have
Saved me mis
Taking perishable initials for distant
Conceptions where Intuition
S alone are adequate: the neu
Tral product when the I of the
Contra-distinguished initial may exist no longer for it
Self but in the omnipresence of all in each initial & since
Then every error I have
Committed othered when initialled part fugitive part exi
Tent only in
Conversation no unapt initial of
Self-experience as a pool with surface in
Tial without wrinkle the quicksilver initials of metaphysics
Compared in calm weather to
Subtle hieroglyphical ini
Tials blue as smoke at one edge or rainbow initials on fast-sailing
Clouds the
Sensation of shattered fragments of penitent initials put inwardly
Together an immense heap supplying the whole sense wanted: a tra
Ckless unknown initial the last of my being a
Somewhat fitter Ins
Trument than unmeaning blank fuga
Cious initials without material re
Siduum the vivid odorous clusters of initials a sort of music I
Tremble to think what
Cruelly initial recollections the words but initials of air.
Alan Halsey
(Reprinted by kind permission of the author. First published by Stride Magazine in 2001. Alan Halsey ran the Poetry Bookshop in Hay on Wye from 1979 to 1996 and now lives in Sheffield. He is a leading British ‘innovatory’ poet in whose work the techniques of verbal collage and improvisation combine with a strong sense of place and their overlapping tribes. His The Text of Shelley’s Death (1995) is a reworking of the contemporary accounts of that event. He also has a strong interest in Thomas Lovell Beddoes and spoke on David Jones’ ‘Ancient Mariner’ at the Kilve Study Weekend in 1995.)